Dokumentaren handler om fem polske kvinner som bor i Norge. Fortellingen strekker seg fra avgjørelsen til å flytte til Norge, går gjennom ulike faser av oppholdet av det nye livet i Norge og til den aktuelle tiden. Karakterene forteller om sine erfaringer og utfordringer som de må takle.
The documentary film is about five Polish women living in Norway. The story begins from the decision to move to Norway, going through different phases of the stay in this country to the present time. The characters tell about their experiences and challenges they have to deal with.
Participation in film festivals
Tokyo Lift – Off Film Festival, Japan, 29.04–31.05.2024
Bridges International Filmfestival, Greece, 03-06.12.2020
Festival for emigration films EMIGRA, Lithuanien, 21.11.2020
Vesuvius International Film Festival, Italy, 31.10 2020, Finalist
Dumbo Film Festival, USA, 09.10.2020, Semi – Finalist
Out of the Can International Film Festival, The Great Britain, 20.08.2020
Lift-off Global Network 2020, The Great Britain, 09.08.2020
The Documentary Filmmaker Showcase, The Great Britain, 02.08.2020
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